Planet 51 is an upcoming animated film directed by Jorge Blanco, written by Joe Stillman and starring Dwayne Johnson, Jessica Biel, Justin Long, Seann William Scott, Gary Oldman and John Cleese. Produced by Madrid-based Ilion Animation Studios and HandMade Films for $60 million, it was acquired for US distribution by New Line Cinema in November 2007. Planet 51 is slated to be released on November 20, 2009, by Sony Pictures Worldwide via TriStar Pictures. It was originally titled Planet One, but re-named Planet 51 in reference to Area 51. The story follows an American astronaut Captain Charles "Chuck" Baker lands on Planet 51 thinking he's the first person to step foot on it. To his surprise, he finds that this planet is inhabited by little green people who are happily living in a white picket fence world, and whose only fear is that it will be overrun by alien invaders.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Planet 51
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